123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144 |
- import numpy as np
- from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple, Optional, List, Union
- from cvxpy import Expression, Variable, Problem, Parameter
- from cvxpy.constraints.constraint import Constraint
- from numpy.typing import NDArray
- class OptimizationProblemVariables(NamedTuple):
- """
- Class used to store all the variables used in the optimization
- problem
- """
- u_ini: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- y_ini: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- u: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- y: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- g: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- slack_y: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- slack_u: Union[Variable, Parameter]
- class OptimizationProblem(NamedTuple):
- """
- Class used to store the elements an optimization problem
- :param problem_variables: variables of the opt. problem
- :param constraints: constraints of the problem
- :param objective_function: objective function
- :param problem: optimization problem object
- """
- variables: OptimizationProblemVariables
- constraints: List[Constraint]
- objective_function: Expression
- problem: Problem
- class Data(NamedTuple):
- """
- Tuple that contains input/output data
- :param u: input data
- :param y: output data
- """
- u: NDArray[np.float64]
- y: NDArray[np.float64]
- def create_hankel_matrix(data: NDArray[np.float64], order: int) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
- """
- Create an Hankel matrix of order L from a given matrix of size TxM,
- where M is the number of features and T is the batch size.
- Note that we need L <= T.
- :param data: A matrix of data (size TxM).
- T is the batch size and M is the number of features
- :param order: The order of the Hankel matrix (L)
- :return: The Hankel matrix of type np.ndarray
- """
- data = np.array(data)
- assert len(data.shape) == 2, "Data needs to be a matrix"
- T, M = data.shape
- assert T >= order and order > 0, "The number of data points needs to be larger than the order"
- H = np.zeros((order * M, (T - order + 1)))
- for idx in range (T - order + 1):
- H[:, idx] = data[idx:idx+order, :].flatten()
- return H
- def split_data(data: Data, Tini: int, horizon: int, explained_variance: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]:
- """
- Utility function used to split the data into past data and future data.
- Constructs the Hankel matrix for the input/output data, and uses the first
- Tini rows to create the past data, and the last 'horizon' rows to create
- the future data.
- For more info check eq. (4) in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.05890.pdf
- :param data: A tuple of input/output data. Data should have shape TxM
- where T is the batch size and M is the number of features
- :param Tini: number of samples needed to estimate initial conditions
- :param horizon: horizon
- :param explained_variance: Regularization term in (0,1] used to approximate the Hankel matrices.
- By default is None (no low-rank approximation is performed).
- :return: Returns Up,Uf,Yp,Yf (see eq. (4) of the original DeePC paper)
- """
- assert Tini >= 1, "Tini cannot be lower than 1"
- assert horizon >= 1, "Horizon cannot be lower than 1"
- assert explained_variance is None or 0 < explained_variance <= 1, "explained_variance should be in (0,1] or be none"
- Mu, My = data.u.shape[1], data.y.shape[1]
- Hu = create_hankel_matrix(data.u, Tini + horizon)
- Hy = create_hankel_matrix(data.y, Tini + horizon)
- if explained_variance is not None:
- Hu = low_rank_matrix_approximation(Hu, explained_var=explained_variance)
- Hy = low_rank_matrix_approximation(Hy, explained_var=explained_variance)
- Up, Uf = Hu[:Tini * Mu], Hu[-horizon * Mu:]
- Yp, Yf = Hy[:Tini * My], Hy[-horizon * My:]
- return Up, Uf, Yp, Yf
- def low_rank_matrix_approximation(
- X:NDArray[np.float64],
- explained_var: Optional[float] = 0.9,
- rank: Optional[int] = None,
- SVD: Optional[Tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.float64]]] = None,
- **svd_kwargs) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
- """
- Computes an low-rank approximation of a matrix
- Adapted from https://gist.github.com/thearn/5424219
- :param X: matrix to approximate
- :param explained_var: Value in (0,1] used to compute the rank. Describes how close
- the low rank matrix is to the original matrix (in terms of the
- singular values). Default value: 0.9
- :param rank: rank order. To be used if you want to approximate the matrix by a specific
- rank. By default is None. If different than None, then it will override the
- explained_var parameter.
- :param SVD: If not none, it should be the SVD decomposition (see numpy.linalg.svd) of X
- :param **svd_kwargs: additional parameters to be passed to numpy.linalg.svd
- :return: the low rank approximation of X
- """
- assert len(X.shape) == 2, "X must be a matrix"
- assert isinstance(rank, tuple([int, float])) or isinstance(explained_var, tuple([int, float])), \
- "You need to specify explained_var or rank!"
- assert explained_var is None or explained_var <= 1. and explained_var > 0, \
- "explained_var must be in (0,1]"
- assert rank is None or (rank >= 1 and rank <= min(X.shape[0], X.shape[1])), \
- "Rank cannot be lower than 1 or greater than min(num_rows, num_cols)"
- assert SVD is None or len(SVD) == 3, "SVD must be a tuple of 3 elements"
- u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False, **svd_kwargs) if not SVD else SVD
- if rank is None:
- s_squared = np.power(s, 2)
- total_var = np.sum(s_squared)
- z = np.cumsum(s_squared) / total_var
- rank = np.argmax(np.logical_or(z > explained_var, np.isclose(z, explained_var)))
- u_low = u[:,:rank]
- s_low = s[:rank]
- v_low = v[:rank,:]
- X_low = np.dot(u_low * s_low, v_low)
- return X_low